Closing a page on 2021

Posted by Cindy Goh on

I love December. It’s when the year is ending, and Christmas spirit fills the air. It’s my favourite time of the year as I wind down, look back, and take time to reflect. I reflect because I think it’s important to constantly remind ourselves of the moments that have shaped us, that matter, and will spur us towards achieving the vision we have created for ourselves.

How do you reflect?

For me, I keep a journal. It's where I write down and store important moments in my life so I can remember the "whys" later. It's fun to read about my past. I can see how much I've grown, and sometimes the entries make me laugh because they're silly. I've been journaling ever since I was a child so you can imagine how many journals I have accumulated over the years.

Journaling calms and organises my otherwise chaotic and messy mind, much like untangling a mess of wires or cables. It also helps me feel less anxious because life can be hectic and stressful, especially at times when everything seems to be coming at you at once. Above all, journaling provides a safe space, free of judgement and rules, to express myself. There's only me in written form, and I'm my own critic and audience. I love the idea, it's liberating.

This December marks exactly one year since I left the corporate world. It’s been an incredible year of discovery for me. With so much uncertainty and disruption from the pandemic, it wasn't an easy decision, but nonetheless, I made it with my family's blessings and support. After working for over 20 years, and giving it my all, I wanted to rest and reset; to discover myself, my passions, and to spend quality time with my family. Time is limited, so I wanted to use it wisely, as I saw fit, on my own terms.

Looking back on the year, I did more than I imagined. From acquiring new digital skills to reigniting my love for the arts and pivoting to writing, I was really on a mission of self-discovery.  As my cousin said, “rest isn’t just about doing nothing, it's about focusing on the things that matter to us.” I got to spend time on the things I care about, and I'm grateful for that.

And one of those things, was working on the launch of GML Gallery with Mayli and seeing it to fruition. The universe connected us, bringing us together because we're both passionate about art and journaling. Dreams are one thing but making them happen is another. What a year 2021 has been for us!

While we still have much to do and improve on, I hope GML Gallery, and its lovingly created products will inspire you to live joyfully and mindfully amidst the madness and hustle of this world.

If you love our products and want to give us a shout-out on Instagram, tag us @gml_gallery so we can share it too. We would most appreciate it!


By Cindy Goh, December 2021


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