Our first 90 days

Posted by MayLi Geoy on

As we celebrate our first 90 days of Gml Gallery, my heart is filled with gratitude, joy and hope for the future. What started out as a weekly experimentation with colours and canvas has blossomed into a vibrant online store, filled with beautiful products and endless possibilities. 

After a frantic launch season, we are now able to take it slow in February to plan for future launches and to connect with more partners and channels for distribution. We are extremely grateful for the collaborations we have secured since launch ; Melissa Shoes in Jan 2022, Artea in March and we will be holding our first physical space this Sunday on 13 March, at the Sunday Social event in honor of International Women’s Day!

We are also thrilled to announce that we have found a partner in Revel.Sg, an advocate for wellness, literacy and journaling to carry our products on their platform starting on 15 March. Moving forward, we will be combining ecommerce and product experience at lifestyle locations which will be announced on later dates.

As a new business, it is easy to be sucked into the pressure of garnering a following, likes and sales, but we remain firm on our stand. We work towards our vision of creating original, beautiful and quintessential collections that speak of authenticity and love. We hope to continue to grow organically, without having to be rushed into pushing out new products or to stay on trend. We will continue to create more collectibles for anybody and everybody to own a journal, a piece of art, and most importantly, a safe space for reflection, self-care and joy.

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